How to Manage Test Anxiety During a Proctored Exam

As students worldwide prepare for exams, the fear of failure or anxiety can overwhelm them. Test anxiety is a common issue students face when taking exams, particularly during a proctored exam when an examiner is physically present. It can lower scores and undermine confidence, further feeding into anxiety. However, with practical strategies, students can manage test anxiety, improve their performance, and feel confident while taking an exam.

In this blog post, we will explore the definition of test anxiety, its importance, and practical tips to help students mentally and physically prepare, overcome negative thoughts, develop a study plan, and manage emotions during the exam.

A. Definition of Test Anxiety

Test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety that students experience while preparing for and taking exams. Students with test anxiety feel excessively worried, stressed, and afraid of failure that they can’t think clearly or recall information even though they have prepared for it. Symptoms could range from physical effects such as sweating and panic attacks to cognitive symptoms such as racing thoughts and self-doubt.

B. Importance of Managing Test Anxiety

Managing test anxiety is essential for the following reasons:

1. Better academic performance: When students experience too much anxiety, it impairs their ability to think, recall, and perform well during exams. Managing test anxiety through various techniques helps students perform better in academics.

2. Reduces stress and discomfort: Unmanaged test anxiety can lead to physical and mental distress, making studying and taking exams more challenging. Managing it helps to reduce stress and physically uncomfortable symptoms during the exam.

3. Builds confidence: Managing test anxiety helps build trust and leads to positive self-talk, making students feel more prepared and comfortable with the test content.

C. Preview of Tips to Manage Test Anxiety

The following are strategies to help manage test anxiety:

1. Prepare Mentally and Physically: Do my online proctored exam

2. Use Positive Self-Talk

3. Develop a Study Plan

4. Prepare for the Exam

5. During the Exam

Prepare Mentally and Physically

A. Get Enough Sleep

They were getting enough sleep a night before the exam is essential and is not negotiable when preparing for a proctored exam. Sleep deprivation increases the level of stress, causing mental imbalances, such as memory impairment. Students should get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before the exam.

B. Eat a Healthy Diet

While preparing for an exam, it’s easy to get carried away and neglect healthy eating habits. However, eating well-balanced meals impacts the body and mind’s function. It is recommended that students eat light, protein-rich meals before the exam to fuel them during the exam.

C. Exercise Regularly

Exercise helps students to relax and reduce their level of anxiety. Creating a sustainable routine of a quick workout or a short walk reduces stress and improves mental health.

D. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Several relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, can help reduce anxiety. Before the exam, students can practice deep breathing techniques, slowing down their heart rate and improving oxygen supply to the brain. Yoga and meditation are also recommended to calm the nerves and clear your mind before the exam.

Use Positive Self-Talk

A. Identify Negative Thoughts

When students experience test anxiety, negative thoughts may surface. It is essential to identify negative thoughts and recognize them as a problem. Negative thoughts such as “I will fail this test” or “I am not going to pass this exam” can increase anxiety.

B. Challenge Negative Thoughts

Secondly, students should challenge these negative thoughts and consider what evidence exists to support them. Lack of evidence to keep negative thoughts helps students to accept that their fears are not facts and reduces anxiety.

C. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones

After challenging these negative thoughts, students should replace them with positive ones. Positive affirmations, such as “I am well-prepared for this exam” or “I can do this,” can boost confidence and reduce anxiety.

D. Create Affirmations to Boost Confidence

Students can create affirmations to repeat before or during the exam. For example, “I am confident in my abilities, and I know I can succeed” can set the tone of positive thinking, making it easier to tackle the exam.

Develop a Study Plan

One way to reduce test anxiety is by developing a study plan outlining everything you must cover before the exam. Here are some ways to create a realistic schedule:

Create a Realistic Schedule

Ensure that you create an achievable study plan in the available time. Avoid last-minute cramming, as this will only increase your test anxiety. Allocate sufficient time each day and week to study for the exam.

Set Achievable Goals

Setting realistic goals can help you stay motivated throughout your study period. Break down your study plan into smaller tasks and set achievable goals for each job. Celebrate milestones as you achieve them, as this can boost your confidence levels.

Study Effectively

Studying smart is just as crucial as learning hard. Focus on understanding the material rather than memorizing it. Find an optimal study environment that works for you, and switch off all distractions.

Take Breaks

Ensure that you take frequent study breaks to avoid burnout. Breaks can help clear your mind and rejuvenate your energy levels.

Prepare for the Exam

Knowing what to expect during the exam is vital in managing test anxiety. Here are some ways to prepare for the exam:

Know the Format of the Exam

Understand the format of the exam, including the guidelines and marking scheme. Familiarize yourself with the questions that will be included in the exam.

Practice with Similar Exam Questions

Practicing with similar exam questions can help you identify knowledge gaps and improve your confidence levels. You can use online resources or exam preparation books to find similar questions.

Arrive Early

Arriving early at the exam venue can help reduce stress levels, allowing you to settle down and familiarize yourself with the surroundings.

Make Sure You Have All the Required Materials

Ensure you have all the materials required for the exam, including calculators, writing materials, and other necessary equipment.

During the Exam

How you approach the exam can significantly impact your test anxiety levels. Here are some tips:

Read Instructions Carefully

Ensure that you read all instructions before attempting any questions. Clarify any information that is unclear with the invigilator.

Prioritize Questions

If you encounter difficult questions, spend only a little time on them. Instead, prioritize questions you are confident about and return to the difficult ones later.

Pace Yourself

Time management is essential during exams. Ensure that you pace yourself to complete all questions within the allocated time.

Stay Calm and Focused

If your anxiety levels rise, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Visualize yourself succeeding in the exam and stay focused on your goals.


Managing test anxiety is a skill that can positively impact your academic performance. You can overcome test anxiety and score high marks by developing a study plan, preparing for the exam, and adopting the right exam-taking strategies. Remember to seek help if necessary and remain optimistic. Good luck!